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 profesor-invita-humanizar-migraciones-ug-ugtoGuanajuato, Gto., July 8, 2019.- A few weeks ago, an image spread through various newspapers and social media that shook people, it was a photograph of two migrants, a girl with her father who tried to cross the border but had no luck.

The issue of forced migration is in force, many people take a dangerous journey from their home countries with the idea of having better opportunities in another territory, a region in which they aspire to find options for a dignified life.

The professor and researcher in the Department of Political studies and Government of the Division of Law, Politics and Government of the University of Guanajuato, Dr. Miguel Angel Vilches has in his research lines migration and political transnationalism, the transnational citizenship, comparative migration policies and rights.

In an interview he invited reflection on the phenomenon of international migration, an event that in Mexico is complex because it is a country that brings together various migration dynamics: "there are people who go to the United States or Canada to work, the Central Americans or other citizens who come to Mexico to cross and get north, and we also have people who return or are returned from the United States. Many complexities of migration flows occur," the researcher said.

Today we are living in a crisis of the migration policies of the region: Mexico, the United States and Central America, "thousands of people have had their chances of life canceled, in many countries there is a political crisis that forces their inhabitants to leave, also there are factors such as droughts, floods and issues of violence and insecurity that incite forced migration."

In this regard, he spoke of the need to seek migration policies that humanely manage the displacement of people "from a perspective of protection and guarantee of human rights from wherever they come from, with particular care for the most vulnerable that are girls and boys, young people, as academics, it is our responsibility to think, research and find new measures that we can implement for this type of policy."

He also pointed out the need to improve the quality of life through a development plan that guarantees people's human rights from their place of origin and anywhere in the world where they choose to live.

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