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Irapuato, Gto., September 17, 2019.- The Division of Life Sciences of the University of Guanajuato (UG) launched the Small Species Clinic to provide medical care to pets, dogs and cats primarily.

Outside the former estate El Copal, is the clinic where consultation services, veterinary update, cures, dental prophylaxis, canine training, preventive medicine, specialized consultation, health certificates, skin and stool microscopy, blood count, uro-analysis, ultrasound study, blood smears and surgeries.

The head of the Small Species Clinic, Dr. Mauricio Arredondo Castro, indicated that this space of veterinary services offers multiple benefits to the university community, and has an indemnify in the human resources training of the Medical Program Veterinarian and Zootechnics taught at Irapuato headquarters.

In the clinic they will be able to reinforce their knowledge students of professional practices, university social service, professional social service, academic stays, at the same time updating active veterinarians.

The Small Species Clinic was inaugurated by Dr. Jesús Martínez Patiño, General Coordinator of the VIDA UG Ecosystem, on behalf of the President of the University of Guanajuato, Dr. Luis Felipe Guerrero Agripino, accompanied by the Director of DICIVA, Dr. José Mario Mendoza Carrillo; Dr. Miguel Victoria Ponce, representing the Guanajuato State College of Veterinary Physicians, as well as faculty, students and representatives of invited government institutions.

Dr. Mendoza recalled that the idea of this project dates back 10 years, since then, in this university headquarters emerged the vision of having an economically affordable and socially relevant company animal clinic, to have an interaction systematic and permanent with its environment, since it has as its fundamental principle the formation and development of the different functions related to university activities, among which will be priority those of service and dissemination of education veterinary care within the community.

To request more information from the clinic you can call: 462 6241889 extension 1558, or write to the mail Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla.

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