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Salvatierra, Gto., September 30, 2019.- The sixth eUGreka: Your connection with science festival was held, an event that aims to bring children closer to science and technology through workshops offered by university students, who show the results of the knowledge generated in the laboratories of the house of studies.

On this occasion we visited the Aquiles Serdán Elementary School in the community of San Pedro de los Naranjos, in the municipality of Salvatierra, where approximately 400 children participated. This Festival is held in conjunction with the Department of Education of Guanajuato, with the purpose of contributing to the development of scientific competences and communicative skills.

The event offered origami workshops alluding to the monarch butterfly's migration route, geology workshops on rocks, experiments in chemistry, robotics and microscopy. The geographical explanation of tectonic plates, a coppering workshop, was also carried out; spirograph and photography box; mathematics -with the intention of approaching mathematics through magic tricks-; and the radio-science workshop.

This festival has been held since 2017 with great success in various cities of the state, such as Guanajuato, Tierra Blanca, Salamanca and Romita, among others. It is a project that is part of the institutional program of communication and dissemination of science "eUGreka", which promotes the University of Guanajuato through the Department of Support for Research and Postgraduate.

For more reports on activities and events, you can consult the page, the Facebook eUGreka or contact the organizers via email: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla.

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