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Celaya, Gto., October 22, 2019.- Students of the master's program in Nursing Sciences of the Celaya-Salvatierra Campus, Of the University of Guanajuato (UG), perform a two-month internship at the Faculty of Nursing of the University of Concepción in Chile (UdeC).

During the internship period, students work together with a teacher, who advises them on the development of a scientific paper on the research topic they are developing. He also attends regular classes of the corresponding master's program at the destination institution.

"In our area it is known that nurses in Chile are good researchers," said student Valeria Martín del Campo Navarro, who was responsible for making an academic stay in another country because she was in the research stage.

Student Eliza Rosas Cervantes is studying the spirituality of the older adult and his informal caregivers. According to his research, this type of studies is carried out more frequently in southern Latin America, for this reason he selected the University of Concepción to deepen and perfect his work.

She highlighted the importance of the agreement that exists between the UG and the UdeC, an alliance that has been strengthened between the two institutions thanks to the intermediation work of Dr. María Jesús Jiménez of the UG and Dr. Sandra Valenzuela of the Faculty of Nursing of the UdeC , who facilitated the exchange, she noted.

Similarly, Alma Cristina Cozarsosa, who focuses her research on the care of the older adult, shared that "I came because my theme is about spirituality and much more talk is spoken of this topic here".

Jorge Arturo Hernández generates knowledge about what young adults' beliefs and attitudes are about organ donation; on this subject, he points out that there are a shortfall of donors globally and also in Mexico. "I've been reading the articles by master Magaly Rodriguez and she has very good publications. My tutor knew she was here at Concepción and mentioned to me that it might be very feasible to make the trip."

In these internship months, UG students aim to make an academic article for later publication in an indexed journal.

In welcoming them, the Director of the Master of Nursing program in the southern country, Patricia Cid, commented that the experience of knowledge sharing also represents a contribution to the Chilean students themselves.

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