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Acreditacion-Guanajuato, Gto., November 5, 2019.- The National Council for the Evaluation of Chemical Science Programs, A.C. (CONAECQ) awarded the constancy that accredits the quality of the bachelor's degree in Chemistry that is taught in the Division of Natural and Exact Sciences (DCNE) of the University of Guanajuato (UG).

During the ceremony, UG President Dr. Luis Felipe Guerrero Agripino congratulated those who participated in the accreditation process and recalled that studies in Chemistry began at the House of Studies from the 18th century. He also emphasized that high-impact research at the Institution began precisely with this discipline, so it extended recognition to previous generations.

However, he stated that in addition to celebrating this achievement, the accreditation of an educational program represents an institutional commitment, since undergoing an evaluation was also intended to have an external look that would help to find areas of opportunity, and thus improve the work that is done for the benefit of the student community, the reason to be of the University.

Before delivering the accreditation record to the university authorities, the Director of the National Council for the Evaluation of Chemical Sciences Programs, Dr. Margarita Viniegra Ramírez, gave a message in which she noted that CONAECQ are convinced that the advancement of science requires the evaluation of academic peers.

She celebrated the efforts of the university community, and especially those who participated in the accreditation process. In addition, she emphasized that it mainly benefits students, as it guarantees the quality of the teaching they receive.

For her part, the Rector of the Guanajuato Campus, Dr. Teresita de Jesús Rendón Huerta Barrera said that accreditation is a public recognition of the quality of the Bachelor of Chemistry, and that fills the Institution with pride. He added that in the UG the evaluation is assumed as part of a process of continuous improvement and urged students to follow the path of excellence.

She also referred to the quality that distinguishes the Division of Natural and Exact Sciences, while thanking the efforts of academics, students, administrative staff, as well as the support of the university authorities.

The Director of the DCNE, Dr. Agustín Ramón Uribe Ramírez, noted that this is the first time that the Bachelor of Chemistry receives this accreditation, which shows the commitment of many people and is the result of many years of constant effort.

The event was attended by the people who participated in the accreditation, who received recognition for their support during the process, as well as students and academic and administrative staff.

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