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Guanajuato, Gto., November 11, 2019.- The result of an arduous research was embodied in the book "Characterization and Impact of Community TV-high schools in Guanajuato", authored by two researchers from the University of Guanajuato (UG), Dr. Sergio Jacinto Alejo López and Dr. Marcos Jacobo Estrada Ruiz, attached to the Celaya-Salvatierra Campus and Guanajuato, respectively.

In the presentation of the work, as commentator, the President of the UG, Dr. Luis Felipe Guerrero Agripino, who said what was reflected in the text coincides with the institutional policy of appreciating education at all levels.

His message focused on the impact of the book and argued that it is necessary to bet on education, as a country with solid high-level studies would have a different citizenship and greater social empathy.

He also called for redoubled efforts to receive more students at the top level and recognized the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato (UVEG) for the work done through community tv-high schools.

He stressed that this text leaves great commitments to the House of Studies, including reviewing institutional policies and strengthening the Regional Equity Program, as well as reviewing other possibilities to receive students from marginalized areas on UG campuses.

The Rector of the Celaya-Salvatierra Campus, Dr. Graciela Ma. De la Luz Ruiz Aguilar, celebrated the collaboration between the University of Guanajuato, the High School College and the Virtual University of the State of Guanajuato and congratulated the authors of the text for the work done.

In addition, he stressed that the UG is one of five working groups doing research on tv-high schools and stressed the importance of this model in raising coverage figures at the middle level.

The presentation was attended by one of the authors, Dr. Sergio Jacinto Alejo, professor at the Celaya-Salvatierra Campus and member of the UG Board of Directors, who explained that the book is the result of research work that began in 2017.

The objective, he explained, was to analyze and characterize tv-high schools from the perspective of the students, as well as to analyze the equity dimension of this educational option. He emphasized that the strongest challenge of our society is inclusion and highlighted the nobility of a model that allows young people who would not otherwise be able to access higher middle-level studies.

In his comments to the text, the Director of the High School College, Dr. J. Merced Rizo Carmona, stated that it is a work that concentrates great efforts of reflection and analysis, but also of synthesis of many hours of fieldwork.

He referred to the importance of addressing variables such as inequality, professionalization of teachers, as well as transforming educational practices, and analyzing how equity in access to education can be promoted.

On behalf of the Rector of the UVEG, Dr. Guadalupe Valenzuela Ríos, offered a message by the Director of the Community tv-high schools of the UVEG, Mtro. Jesús Marmolejo Zúñiga, who celebrated the efforts of the authors of the book and stated that this model seeks to transform reality into marginalized areas of the state.

The presentation of the work was attended by managers and members of the student community and academic staff of the UG, as well as students of the tv-high schools.

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