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Guanajuato, Gto., November 15, 2019.- Two students from the University of Guanajuato were medals in silver and bronze in the 33rd National Competition of the Mexican Olympics of Mathematics, this event was held from November 10 to 15 in Mexico City.

Nathalia del Carmen Jasso Vera of Centro Histórico León High School won a silver medal and Joshua Sebastián González Torres of Guanajuato High School won a bronze medal.

The delegation of Guanajuato obtained the third place by states, that team was made up of six members, all won medals. The students expressed their satisfaction in having been creditors of these medals as their efforts, dedication and hours of training paid off.

They appreciated the support of their parents, teachers and coaches, who have always motivated them from the selective process to the award and thus made their academic development possible.

The delegation of Guanajuato won the following medals: Jesús Omar Sistos Barrón, Gold Medal; José de Jesús Liceaga Martínez, Silver Medal; Nathalia del Carmen Jasso Vera, Silver Medal; Isaac Pancardo Botello, Silver Medal, Héctor Fernando Ricárdez Lara, Silver Medal; and Joshua Sebastián González Torres, Bronze Medal.

It should be noted that the Mexican Mathematical Olympiad (OMM) is a program of the Mexican Mathematical Society (SMM), whose central part is the realization of the National Competition for pre-college students. This competition is the most important in our country at the high school level, just as the International Mathematics Olympiad is in the world. The objective of OMM is to promote the study of mathematics creatively, moving away from the traditional study that promotes memorization and mechanization, and seeking to develop the reasoning and imagination of young people.

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