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Guanajuato Gto., October 9, 2015- Professors from two schools from the High School College (CNMS for its acronym in Spanish) from the University of Guanajuato, visited Japan with the purpose to know the Kosen from Nagaoka, Ibaraki and Fukushima, so students from the first generation in the Technological Bachelor with International Profile (BTPI for its acronym in Spanish) perform academic stay in Japan.

Regarding, M. Martha Oliva Gallaga Ortega, director of the school from CNMS, highlighted that this trip strengthen the cooperation bond with Japanese institutions, which will benefit the students from BTPI that currently take the program at Guanajuato's High School College (focused on science of materials) and the students from Salamanca's High School College (focused on mechatronics).

The delegation that attended was formed by the director of Guanajuato's High School College, Juana Silvina Galván Rocha and the director of Salamanca's High School College, Amanda Violante Gavira, plus professors Juan Antonio Sánchez Márquez, Juan Bernardo Navarro Gaytán, Gonzalo Enrique Bernal Rivas and María del Carmen Rodríguez Robelo.

As part of the tour, the professors had an approach with the authorities from the Setsunan University, Campus Neyagawa with the purpose to know the short stay programs in which students from BTPI could participate. In addition, they were part of the International Symposium on Advances in Technology Education 2015 in Nagaoka.
The University of Guanajuato as well as the Nagaoka University of Technology, which includes besides the academic stays, learning Japanese, professional practices in companies and classes with high school professors, have promoted the BTPI in Mexico.

The professors that attended the tour, agreed that besides sharing a living learning time, turned out interesting to know that all countries that participated in the event, such as India, Philippines, Mongolia and Finland, there is common ground: "Educate for life".

With these actions, the CNMS pretends to be renowned in a national and international level for its students' solid formation and its quality and social pertinence of the educative programs.

Professors from two schools from the High School College (CNMS for its acronym in Spanish) from the University of Guanajuato, visited Japan with the purpose to know the Kosen from Nagaoka, Ibaraki and Fukushima, so students from the first generation in the Technological Bachelor with International Profile (BTPI for its acronym in Spanish) perform academic stay in Japan.

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