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Guanajuato, Gto., August 21, 2019.- From August 27 to 30, sponsored by the University of Guanajuato (UG) and other public and private institutions, the Fifth International Festival of Performing Arts "A Escenabierta" will be held in this city on this occasion under the theme "Wild State".

The motto "Wild State" is an invitation to reflect on this concept, as the International Festival of Performing Arts seeks to create not only spaces where people go to see a show, but to generate criticism and awareness.

Prof. Marleen Velázquez Sánchez, Director of the Festival, spoke of the origins of this cultural event, which began with the creation of the "Anda Sin Zapatos" Theater Group, a company that was born in 2007 and formalized as a non-profit civil association in 2011 , while, as part of this project, the International Festival of Performing Arts was created in 2014.

She noted that it had been formed for this year, a wide programme where not only staging was held but workshops, conferences, reflections on the research of stage work. He recalled that since the first edition there have been guests from other countries, including Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Peru.

On this occasion, the digital call was made and about 90 proposals from all over Latin America, Spain and even Senegal were received for this edition; of which was selected by eight companies, three of them Argentinian, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí and Guanajuato.

They support this Festival, the Guanajuato Campus of the University of Guanajuato, Cine la Mina, Instituto Estatal de la Cultura, Presidencia Municipal, private companies and the "Corazón Mexicano" Group, a company with a social sense, among others.

Present at the conference, Prof. Guillermo Padilla López, General Manager of the "Corazón Mexicano" Group, underlined support for these activities that enrich and give balance and opportunity to young people, to manifest themselves through culture and social cohesion.

Likewise, Prof. Paul León Morales, Director of the Regional Cultural Center of ISSSTE, which has as its vocation free access to all people of art and culture, endorsed the support of this institution for the International Festival of Performing Arts and reported that in its scheduled workshops will take place.

Similarly, Prof. Leslie Borsani Fernández, General Director of Cinema La Mina, underlined the support for art from its trench, for which she was pleased to join these initiatives; while the Mtra. Otilia Moreno Zárate, Director of Logistics of the Festival, thanked the sponsorships of private companies and public institutions where the programming will take place, including the Main Theater, the Mesón de San Antonio, the House of Municipal Culture and the Plaza San Roque.

Mtro. José Luis Jiménez González was also present at the conference, Public Relations Coordinator of the International Festival of Performing Arts, who invited the international program on the Facebook page A Escenabierta Festival and @aescenabierta and Twitter @escenabiertaGto

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