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estudiantes-de-intercambio-In the school period January – June, the University of Guanajuato will receive 172 students from 88 institutions from Mexico and abroad, while 135 UG students will have the opportunity to study in universities from countries such as Germany, Spain, France, Greece, Russia, Canada, Norway, United States, Japan, Argentina and Ecuador, among others.

cortometraje-manos-de-cera-universidad-guanajuato-ug-"Manos de Cera" (Wax hands), the short film created by students and graduates from the degree in Digital Arts from Campus Irapuato – Salamanca from the University of Guanajuato (UG), was selected to participate in festivals in 10 countries and many states in the Mexican republic.

dia-compositor-universidad-guanajuato-ug-With the purpose to commemorate the "Dia del compositor" (Composers Day) and highlight the sensible artistic work the creators make to take several emotions to listeners' ears, the outstanding composer and professor from the University of Guanajuato (UG), Dr. Francisco Javier González Compeán, spoke about his career in music and remarked the work from different composers who are part of UG.

catalogo-servicios-innovacion-universidad-guanajuato-ug-With the "Catalogo de servicios e innovación" (Catalogue of services and innovation). The University of Guanajuato (UG) offers to the public a list of the laboratories that exist in the institution, as well as information about the projects, human resources and technical equipment they have to solve problems in the industry, the government and society altogether.

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