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simposio-salud-ambiental-leon-universidad-guanajuato-ug-Researcher-professors from the Division of Health Sciences from Campus León from the University of Guanajuato, led the "Simposio de Salud ambiental: presente y future", with the objective to invite experts from different institutions in the country and establish collaboration links to determine the problems of environmental health in Guanajuato.

concluye-en-ug-tercer-diplomado-This Friday, December 11 will be the closing ceremony for the "Third Diploma in Criminal Procedural Law with mention in principles, guarantees and constitutional rules that fundament the accusatory system", offered by the University of Guanajuato (UG), together with the "Instituto de Estudio e Investigación Jurídica (INEJ)" in Nicaragua.

dispositivos-moviles-educacion-dcea-universidad-guanajuato-ug-The academic body from the Department of Organizational Studies from the Division of Economic-Administrative Sciences (DCEA) from Campus Guanajuato; works in a research project that looks into the use of mobile devices in education in presence teaching, then after two years of research, they could begin with some practical prototypes.

responsabilidad-social-pymes-universidad-guanajuato-ug-The University of Guanajuato (UG), through the Division of Social and Administrative Sciences from Campus Celaya-Salvatierra, makes an invitation to the "II Jornadas de Espacio Común en Ciencias Sociales y Administrativas" with the name "Emprendimiento, Innovación y Responsabilidad Social: retos y perspectivas para las Pymes en el siglo XXI", that will happen in December 14, 15.

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