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catedra-excelencia-politica-publica-universidad-guanajuato-ug-With the objective to strengthen the postgraduate programs, academic networks among college students and the link with government officers, the University of Guanajuato invites to the update course of the excellence professorship "Instituciones, Políticas Públicas y Análisis Comparado" (Institutions, public policies and compared analysis), that will begin with the module "Políticas públicas para afrontar el calentamiento global en América Latina" (Public policies to face global warming in Latin America).

exposicion-murmullos-de-luz-universidad-guanajuato-ug-The III Temporary Photographic Exposition "Murmullos de Luz" inaugurated in the Hall "Alfonso Bernal Sahagún" from the Division of Natural and Exact Sciences (DCNE) from Campus Guanajuato. In this exposition, the students display microscopic images of objects and living beings that present an artistic aspect with the microscopic techniques such as bright field, dark field, phase contrast, fluorescence, polarization and scanning.

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