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reunion-mexico-centroamerica-caribe-universidad-guanajuato-ug-With the purpose to analyze the challenge, higher education faces in the region, the General Rector from the University of Guanajuato, Dr. Luis Felipe Guerrero Agripino, participates in the first reunion "México; Centroamérica y el Caribe" from the Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (UDUAL), which is held in the "Universidad Veracruzana".

rumbo-japon-2015-reiyukai-fernanda-universidad-guanajuato-ug-Fernanda Gamiño, student in the third semester of the Bachelor degree in Nursing and Midwifery in the Division of Health Sciences and Engineering from Campus Celaya – Salvatierra will participate in a stay in Japan as a result of her participation in the summon issued by the Government of the State of Guanajuato and the nonprofit organization REIYUKAI de México A.C., "Rumbo a Japón 2015".

alumna-intercambio-colombia-universidad-guanajuato-ug-Campus Celaya-Salvatierra from the University of Guanajuato received the visit from Andrea Rodriguez, student from the fourth semester of the Bachelor degree in Business Administration from the "Universidad de Santo Tomás" (Colombia) located in Tunja Boyacá, who exposed topics on labor law and a controversial research of why Colombia is considered the happiest country in the world.

nuevo-plan-maestria-desarrollo-organizacional-universidad-guanajuato-ug-In a breakfast-conference held in the facilities of the Division of Economic Administrative Sciences (DCEA), a new plan was presented for the master in Organizational Development, that from January 2016, it will be more flexible for student to choose learning units, more degree obtaining options and new contents that address the current social needs.

seminario-de-ingenieria-civil-With the purpose to broaden the knowledge in projects of execution and terminations of worksites, students from the tenth semester in civil engineering from the Division of Health Sciences and Engineering of Campus Celaya-Salvatierra from the University of Guanajuato (UG), organized the first seminar with the name "Tracing ideas, constructing solutions".


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