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investigadores-patentan-moleculas-permiten-detectar-sustancias-toxicas-ug-ugtoWhat do we do? Molecules, but not random, we're always thinking about what potential applications they have. This is how Dr. Eduardo Peña Cabrera describes his work in the Department of Chemistry of the University of Guanajuato, which recently led him to obtain a patent for the creation of molecules with which you can, among other things, evaluate the quality of food and even detect drugs in drinks.

conduce-cientifico-investigacion-levaduras-industria-tequilera-ug-ugto-6 years ago, researchers from the University of Guanajuato (UG), together with private investors, created the company: Industrializadora de Levaduras Mexicanas (INLEMEX S.A. de C.V.), dedicated to the production of yeasts used in the production of tequila, where Dr. Juan Carlos Torres Guzmán, research-professor at UG, is director of the research.

crean-cientificos-biopesticidas-base-hongos-ug-ugto-Dr. Gloria Angélica González Hernández is one of the heads of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Fungi of the Department of Biology of the Division of Natural and Exact Sciences of the Guanajuato Campus of the University of Guanajuato (UG), where they have developed biopesticides from the ability of fungi of the genus Metarhizium to attack insects that prey on agricultural crops.

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