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profesores-y-egresado-ug-presentan-modelo-de-atencion-de-rehabilitacion-en-la-cuarta-feria-de-libro-de-la-unam-ug-ugto-In order to bring Health Sciences students closer to the publishing, culture and research world, two professors-researchers from the León Campus of the University of Guanajuato (UG) and a graduate of Biomedical Engineering gave a lecture on the Torre Vida UG model focused on the Specialized Physical Rehabilitation Unit (UERF) at the Fourth Health Sciences Book Fair of the School of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

investigadora-In Mexico, the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis of the University of Guanajuato (UG) where graduate students in chemistry develop their research projects under the direction of Dr. Maria del Rocío Gámez Montaño has become a benchmark in the area of green chemistry, in which the main line of research is the green synthesis of polyheterocycles through strategies based on multicomponent reactions (RMCs) and biological, optical and computational activity studies.

ug-segundo-lugar-nacional-entre-las-universidades-con-mayor-numero-de-academicos-en-el-sni-The University of Guanajuato (UG) has positioned itself as a benchmark in scientific research development as well as in the transfer of knowledge. Over the past four years, the number of professors who are part of the National System of Researchers (SNI) has increased by 44.8 percent, and currently ranks second nationally among state public universities by the number of members in that system.

alumna-impulsa-desarrollo-Erika Elena Rodríguez Hernández, a seventh semester student of the Bachelor's Degree in Culture and Art of the León Campus of the University of Guanajuato (UG) led for one year a project that was carried out in connection with the Municipal Institute of the Youth of León, with in order to arouse interest in art and culture and promote artistic development from an early age.

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