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trabajanfortalecersustentabilidadculturasierragorda-ug-ugto-In order to generate and exchange ideas between academics and the student community for the preservation of the natural heritage of the northeastern region of the state, as well as the Biosphere Reserve, the inauguration of the 6th Encounter of Sustainability and Culture of the Sierra Gorda and was also celebrated on the 6th Contest "Ideas in action", organized by the Irapuato-Salamanca Campus of the University of Guanajuato (UG).

dr-juan-gabriel-segovia-ug-ugto-Dr. Juan Gabriel Segovia Hernández, professor in the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Division of Natural and Exact Sciences of the University of Guanajuato (UG) and a member of the Academic Corps of Industrial Process Engineering, was appointed Associate Editor of the Chemical Engineering And Processing: Process Intensification Journal one of the most relevant indexed journals in Chemical Engineering published by the prestigious publishing house Elsevier.

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